Congratulations to Brian on an awesome performance, and for encouraging me to perform with him.
Thanks so much to the students, parents, teachers, family and friends who attended the concert and made it a very special event.
1. Life Ability
Core Education develops life ability- the ability to live life optimally.
2. Natural Learning
Core Education utilizes and preserves natural learning, which is direct learning from the environment.
3. Whole Learning
Children learn through absorption of the total environment rather than part by part. This is sometimes called ”right-brain learning” Whole learning is a better way to describe this absorption as it involves both the right brain (learning through the senses/intuition and left brain (analytical) types of learning working together.
4. Ability Development
Pattern recognition and the forming of relationships between these patterns can be developed through repetition for optimum learning. This then includes physical ability, mental/memory, emotional balance and spiritual development as well. This is the balancing concept of whole learning and involves understanding of learning in relationship to sequencing and the development of ability through the acquisition of foundation skills
5. Integral Learning
Core learning involves recognition and support for the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of development in combination with mental/cognitive learning to form life abilities.
6. The core focus principle of nurturing:
This principle is that the most fundamental aspect in a child’s learning must always be addressed rather than focusing on the content of what is being learned. It is finding the core aspect of the process that will produce the easiest and quickest way to learn. It is closely connected to Ability Development.
7. Positive affirmation
Core education involves affirmation as a critical component of feedback for the child. Using verbal acknowledgment of that which is correct will accelerate learning. It is not a judgment such as good or bad, but is a positive statement of fact to the child about how they are learning.
Through understanding and applying these principles teachers and parents can recreate the concept of education from the learning of facts to the development of ability.
This concert combined classical style with in the moment improvisation and rhythm to produce a memorable event for all those who attended. The setting of the Ahavath Achim Synagogue with the rich wood walls and floor coupled with the full stained glass window reflecting the entering sun provided a venue for inspiration and ethereal experience to complement the sound and performance. Brian's interpretation of the Tocatta approached the virtuosity of world renowned pianists and the Partita was artistically performed in his own style. Brian's activated progression combined sound and african drumming rhythm integrated with classical form to produce a interesting and challenging composition that set the stage for a transition into the cadenza forms he used in the following concerto. This piece affected people in different ways including the spontaneous mumbling of some audience members that reminded me of Glenn Gould or Keith Jarret in the midst of their improvisational masterworks.
ReplyDeleteOf course my favorite was the Beethoven Concerto. Leah and Brian blended sounds that were truly complimentary and gave a new meaning to an outstanding orchestra reduction with a complimentary piano concerto that was exciting, soothing, inspiring, and unified. This ultimate experience of playing a piece with one of your students of that caliber, at that level, with that much love was something I am glad I experienced. My heartfelt congratulations and love to both of you to bring this experience to the moment. I will never forget it!!