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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Practice Sheets

Dear Parents,
I have uploaded the practice sheets so that you can print them at home as you need them. They are on this post, and I will also put the links on the sidebar for easier access in the future.

If the students and parents establish the habit and response ability to complete what is on the practice sheet each week, mark it on the sheet, and return it to the lesson, the practice time will become much easier and the progress will be much faster and more secure.

Please write out the assignment on the assignment sheet after the lesson. It is good if you can do this together with your child using the notes and video from the lesson. The main purpose of the lesson is to establish what and how to practice. So, as the teacher I first establish the core learning to be essential for the most effective learning, (the what) and next try several different ways of accomplishing that goal. (the how)
When the student can do well what is being asked in the lesson, then ability is being developed. This is assignment: to practice what they can do well. It is good to use the exact words that are effective at the lesson as ques at home. For specific spots, please also mark the spot in the score that you are using, and I will usually also have the student mark the spot in their score.

Of course practicing what they can do well also means learning new pieces. When the assignments on the pieces they are working on are accomplished the student is able to learn the new piece without struggle even if it involves challenge and focus.

There is also a main point to each lesson. This could be "follow and mark the assignment sheet". It could be "move your thumb", or "prepare for the recital" . Having one point to come back to is very useful, especially if you begin to feel overwhelmed!

I hope this helps.
Leah Brammer

Core Twinkle Practice Sheet

Core Book 1 Practice Sheet

Core Books 2 and up with daily boxes

Core Books 2 and up with daily boxes and more lines

Core Books 2 and up no daily boxes

Core Books 2 and up no boxes, wider format

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